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Women in Transport: Live Networking Session

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Networking is a very important part of supporting our Women in Transport members, especially during these difficult and uncertain times.

Our regular live Zoom sessions have become a regular feature on the Women in Transport calendar and we hope you will join us for our next virtual meet up.

At our recent sessions we have been delighted to get to know some of our members better whilst providing an opportunity to share and learn from each other's experiences on topics ranging from the Covid-19 pandemic, through a range of issues such as the progress of ED & I, the role of male allies, how women can help each other advance their careers and whether remote working is the way forward. This session we will be talking about:

International Mother Earth Day

The growth of transport has made the world a smaller place but, at the same time, it brings with it environmental issues. Economic growth relies on movement of people, materials, goods and services in an increasingly global marketplace, yet the transport systems required to allow such movement places more pressure on our environment.

22nd April is International Mother Earth Day which recognizes that "the Earth and its ecosystems are our home" and that "it is necessary to promote harmony with nature and the Earth".

How do we, as members of the transport sector, square this circle? Are there things we could all do to minimise environmental impact from the sector that employs us?

What are your thoughts and experiences? Come along to our networking event to join the discussion.

These sessions are always very enjoyable and we feel this is a great way to engage and support each other, so we do hope you will be able to join us.

If you would like to join us, please register by completing the form below and we will send you joining instructions.

Please note that, as we have limited time and to avoid disturbing the discussion, you will not be able access the session after 5.10pm, so please join promptly.

We look forward to talking to you there.

This event is only open to Women in Transport members.

If you are not a member of Women in Transport and would like to join or find out more, click here.

If you would like to join us, please register your interest using the form below and we will send you joining instructions .